Hypnobirthing and Hypnotherapy Support for Pre and Post Natal Mums

Alison Scott with baby Hugo - Cognitive Hypnotherapist

Mums are often expected to take birth in their stride because it is a so-called natural experience. However, whether it’s a smooth birth or not, having a baby is an extraordinary life event.

In the past, women would have been supported through an extensive female community with valuable advice, hands-on care, and vital knowledge. This type of support is seldom available now, often leaving women feeling unsupported, isolated, and even terrified.

Hypnobirthing is a gentle and effective approach that combines self-hypnosis, relaxation, and education to help expectant mothers manage any concerns they have about giving birth and to prepare them to manage their own pain during labour and in the weeks and months that follow.

Postive Birthing Experience

Hypnobirthing and hypnotherapy techniques can be beneficial in many ways:

Calm Mind - Calm Body

Hypnobirthing aims to reduce the inevitable fear and anxiety surrounding childbirth. When a mother is relaxed, deeply calm and in her body, her body and baby will work with her rather than against her. This can often make all the difference to the birthing experience and enable her to handle anything that may happen. The mind / body connection is so powerful and the body and mind need to be in control and not inhibited by negative thoughts.

Less Pain

Hypnotherapy techniques are brilliant at helping Mums (and anyone supporting her) manage their pain and nervous systems. Pain can be hugely reduced by these techniques and the resulting deep relaxation prevents the body from tensing up. Bespoke hypnotic visualisations are great at guiding her to be deeply in tune with her uterus and her baby promoting a more genuinely moving and positive experience.

Post-birth pain can be serious and many women suffer for years with inhibiting pain often resulting in them hating their bodies. A recent client had not been able to touch her stomach for a year, such was the intense pain she was experiencing. She had dissociated herself from her body. She wouldn’t let anyone else touch her either. Fortunately, we overcame this with hypnotherapy, and she is now at one with her body again and the pain has subsided dramatically.

Fewer Medical Inventions

Hypnobirthing is designed to lower the likelihood of medical interventions, such as epidurals, inductions, or C-sections. By using natural birthing techniques, labour often progresses more smoothly. They will also support her through any unexpected issues and prepare her for any event. Birth often comes with surprises and the most effective birth plan is one that gets her completely ready mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Empower with a Positive Mindset

Hypnobirthing encourages new parents to focus on positive and empowering birth experiences, helping to change the challenging perception of childbirth to a more natural and beautiful process. This is such an important facet when a mother has had a previous difficult birth, health issues, or holds unconscious beliefs about what having a baby is like. This is also helpful for other family members who may be anxious about a potentially difficult birth.

Postpartum Preparation

Hypnotherapy prepares Mums and families for the postpartum period, addressing common issues such as depression, sleep deprivation, anxiety, low self-esteem, and the inevitable challenges of early motherhood. Being a new Mum is often overwhelming and certainly exhausting, even if the birth has gone well. With tools to help soothe her and keep things in perspective, life with a new baby can be more easily managed, and Mum and baby can flourish.

Happy Mum happy baby.

Healing Birth Trauma

Almost a third of women in the UK experience some degree of birth trauma. If left untreated, this often has long-term detrimental effects on the whole family. Should the birth not go well, this is likely to leave behind the damaging effects of trauma just at a time when new parents need to feel at their best. Often if the baby is well, the Mum’s own experience is overlooked but she may suffer quietly for years with nightmares, a sense of loss, fear, pain, and resentment. Often fathers and siblings suffer too.

Healing from Birth Trauma

Many hypnotherapy techniques can be used to assist in her regaining her physical and mental healing, reframe painful memories, and ultimately clear the way for a more rewarding experience of motherhood. Knowing there is someone to turn to will also help a new Mum feel less isolated, angry, and frightened should the birth experience leave serious emotional wounds.

Alison Scott - Confident Birthing Specialist


This is a recent testimonial from a client suffering from birth trauma:

‘Alison has completely changed my life. I am more confident; my pain has lessened, and I am able to think about my birth trauma without getting upset. I can concentrate on what is important in my life and enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and friends. Thank you!’

I also suffered from birth trauma many years ago and both me and my baby nearly didn’t make it. I wish I had known where to seek help at the time - the subsequent few years would have been much easier for us all. This experience has made me so passionate about helping other families and has given me a great deal of first-hand knowledge of some of the obstacles and complex issues surrounding birth trauma.

Call me on 07989 535527 for a free 20-minute consultation.

Email -            ali@alisonscotthypnotherapy.co.uk

Twitter –       Alison Scott @AlisonS39


LinkedIn -      www.linkedin.com/in/alison-scott-43100a13a

Seed Wellness - I am a member of Seed Wellness - a carefully selected network of teachers and therapists helping women achieve optimal health and happiness. This week, Seed is running a campaign highlighting its many members available to support mothers both pre and postnatally. For further information, www.seedwellness.co.uk.


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