Spring Equinox - the perfect time for change!

Wednesday 20th March marks the Spring Equinox when the sun crosses the equator, and the hours of daylight and dark are of equal length.

For thousands of years, people have celebrated this as a time of balance, growth, and new beginnings, as nature bursts with new energy all around us. This is great news if you need to make some changes to your life as you’ll have the immense support of nature on your side.

Let There Be Light

The Spring Equinox is physically, spiritually, and emotionally a wonderful time of energetic opportunity. As the extra light begins to positively affect our brains, we get a lighter ‘spring’ in our step, and become more alert with increased optimism.

Time for a spring clean?

Until the eighteenth century, this was also the time of the new astrological year, when people would perform rituals to cleanse themselves and their homes. Spring cleaning is nothing new!

Aries and the Wonder of Re-Birth

Astrologically March also welcomes in Aries - the baby of the zodiac. The ram rules with the head, leaning forward with speed and focus. Energetic and full of childish wonder - we can all use a bit of that energy and enthusiasm to forge ahead with anything new.

Spring into Action

The changes we make now will likely determine the success of our year. We can welcome fresh perspectives as we figuratively spring clean, throwing off wintry sluggishness - perhaps even detoxifying our livers and our lives.

Out with the old, in with the new

This is one of the best periods of the year to focus on new projects, the perfect moment to rid ourselves of anything that does not serve us. It is about finding the balance we need in life – whether with jobs, health, relationships or just sorting out the stuff under the bed.

A New Path to Balance

Don’t Go Changing?

Not many of us find change easy. Changing requires a forceful decision and often more discipline than we can muster. But even small changes bring about much bigger changes. Get up 10 minutes earlier and do some stretches once, nothing changes. Do that every day and the benefits or ripple effect will soon be clear.

Hypnotherapy Is about CHANGE.

Hypnotherapy can be a brilliant way to discover which limiting beliefs to let go of and re-focus on what you want. It can help lift depression, reduce anxiety, boost confidence, and help with a whole heap of ailments, painful memories, and fears. Imagine it being like a spring clean for your unconscious.

10-Minute Spring Equinox Challenge

What could you do for 10 minutes each day that would change your life by the end of the year? What could you do to help someone else? What grateful thoughts could you ponder on that would boost your spirits? Which 10 minutes do you squander that could be put to better use?

Alison Scott Hypnotherapy

Alison Scott – Cognitive Hypnotherapist

I help people make long-term positive changes. Why not make this Spring Equinox really count?

Call me on 07989 535527 for a free consultation.

Email -            ali@alisonscotthypnotherapy.co.uk

Instagram - aliscotthypnotherapy

Twitter –       Alison Scott @AlisonS39


LinkedIn -      www.linkedin.com/in/alison-scott-43100a13a

Recent Testimonial - 2024

“My sessions with Alison were massively effective. I feel much less anxious, the voice in my head is much kinder and I’ve really been able to put some trauma behind me. I can actually talk about it now without crying immediately which is huge! THANK YOU ALI!! You are amazing. I also love my word weave and think I’ll listen to it forever!

Ali is amazing. She is supportive, caring and kind in her approach and I instantly felt safe and that I could tell her everything and anything without any judgement. I am so grateful for her help and support and feel like I’m back to being me! I couldn’t recommend her enough and if you are considering hypnotherapy, then definitely speak to Ali!”

Alison Scott Hypnotherapy


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