What problems can hypnotherapy help with?

Cognitive hypnotherapy can help with such a wide range of issues because our unconscious mind is so often in charge of how we think and the daily decisions we make. Making the unconscious conscious can bring about greater understanding, help to reframe unhelpful learnings and change the way we ultimately perceive ourselves. When changes take place at this deeper level, many of the challenges of daily life that people struggle with can be effectively alleviated, leading to a healthier outlook, positive habits, and increased self-confidence. Here I outline just a few of the many issues that can be helped.

How can you get help? Hypnotherapy in Buckinghamshire and Online - wherever you are, I can help!

I practice hypnotherapy, reiki, and coaching in Naphill (HP14) and throughout Buckinghamshire as well as online with clients all over the world. My therapy room is a beautiful, calming space surrounded by peaceful countryside. If we work remotely, the bonus is you get to experience the changes from your own home. The therapy is just as effective and many people find being at home comforting - as long as you have a safe, confidential space with good wifi connection.

Hypnotherapy in Buckinghamshire and Online - Alison Scott

Can hypnotherapy help with eating problems?
Hypnotherapy can help to identify the emotions or triggers that are causing the overeating, undereating, or not eating healthily enough. By gaining access to unconscious experiences that are provoking problem eating responses, hypnotherapy can also help dissociate the eating behaviour from the emotion and ease the issues with self-esteem that often accompany eating problems.

Can hypnotherapy help with sleep problems and insomnia?
Hypnotherapy has been very successful in helping people tackle insomnia and other sleeping issues. Also, by incorporating cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the sufferer can be helped to control or eliminate the negative thoughts that keep people from sleeping or being able to switch off. Quest’s bespoke word-weaving recordings can be a great tool to help you get off to sleep and bring about new healthier sleeping habits.

Can hypnotherapy help with anxiety and depression?

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective therapy to treat anxiety and depression as it gets to the root cause of the issue. It is also useful in changing the negative habits that can make experiencing difficult feelings even worse. Hypnosis also often allows people to experience deep levels of relaxation and so helps to reduce levels of stress and its effect on the body. My Reiki and coaching skills further support clients to live a life of greater freedom and peace of mind. Most illnesses, traumas, and challenges such as neuro-diversity and OCD, result in stress that can be significantly alleviated by therapy. Living with intense daily stress is serious and reducing its impact can be life-changing.

Can hypnotherapy help with building confidence and self-esteem issues?

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective therapy to help boost confidence as it uncovers the blocks that have arisen due to life experiences. Events from the past, even seemingly insignificant ones, often lead people to lose faith in themselves and their abilities. Reframing these events through hypnosis can bring about lasting change in levels of self-esteem and help uncover how our unconscious mind can often work against us. Using special coaching techniques alongside hypnosis can be a great way of creating new habits and goals that will serve us better and build on levels of optimism.

Can hypnotherapy help with quitting smoking and other negative habits?

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective therapy to help people give up smoking and similar bad habits for good and the lasting benefits have been widely reported. The reason hypnosis can work so well is that smoking, like all habits, is controlled by triggers in the unconscious part of the mind. The Quest way of looking at each individual’s need to smoke and the root causes behind behaviour patterns, offers a completely bespoke way to bring about lasting change. Quitting smoking can feel like a big challenge and often requires much more than just willpower. I can guide you through the process and my clients report that it is much easier than they could ever have imagined.

Sometimes we need a helping hand.