Recent Testimonials from clients

“I just wanted to send you an email to let you know that I graduated from Quest at the weekend. I have my first paying client on Friday and another at the end of the month. I'm so excited about what the future holds!

I couldn't have done any of this without your help and support, Thank you”. Anon May 2024

“Alison has given me the support that I needed to get me through a very strange and difficult episode in my life! A sudden change in my sleep shook me to my core and really threw my emotions out of control. With the therapy and deep relaxation, I have managed to deal with these emotions and my mind is calmer and my body is catching up. I know this is working progress but believing in the process is my success. I am so grateful Alison.”

“You have been kind and supportive – your voice is always going to make me feel comfortable and relaxed. Some changes will be with me for life such as the small bursts of weave meditation, letting go of anything that is no longer ‘useful’ in my head space, and having a positive look on how to make myself believe in my own self to cope! The word weave is something I have for life! I am using it as a relaxation tool, using positive affirmations from the weave to self-soothe and build my self-resilience …. I am also using the word weave to fully immerse myself in the ‘process’ so that I can reap the full effects.” Anon June 2024

“Thanks so much for the letter weave and for taking the time and making the effort, it's lovely of you to have done so. I've just listened to it for the first time and a few things struck me - you have a great reading voice, soft edges, mellifluous and expressive; hearing it read out loud made me realise that it is well written; remembering that when I wrote it I just sat down and wrote without much thought and without over-thought, so that's how I need to write again, and that it's worthy of being seen by others. The birdsong in the background is lovely and enhances the listening, as does your choice of background music. So, thanks again. Your efforts on my behalf mean a lot to me.” Anon June 2024

“I felt immediately at ease with Ali. I explained the reason for my visit, and she diagnosed an underlying condition that had never occurred to me before but made perfect sense. Ali's voice was very calming, leading me into a hypnotic state. The treatment involved a guided visualisation, which she repeated several times. I have to say that after just one session, the results were pretty impressive! The negative emotions attached to the issue are gone, and I can now think about the situation without feeling any irritation. In fact, I find the situation quite amusing now and can even laugh about it. What a refreshing change!” Anon March 2024

“My sessions with Alison were massively effective. I feel generally much less anxious, the voice in my head is much kinder and I’ve really been able to put some trauma behind me. I can actually talk about it now without crying immediately which is huge! THANK YOU ALI!! You are amazing. I also love my word weave and think I’ll listen to it forever! Ali is amazing. She is supportive, caring and kind in her approach and I instantly felt safe and that I could tell her everything and anything without any judgement. I am so grateful for her help and support and feel like I’m back to being me! I couldn’t recommend her enough and if you are considering hypnotherapy, then definitely speak to Ali!” Anon January 2024

“It’s been a hugely positive experience. It has been effective in many ways, it was a completely new way for me to process all my ‘stuff’ and I understand so much more about the power of the mind and how we can re-write historical issues swiftly and completely through hypnotherapy. That’s been an eye-opener for sure. Having sessions mostly online has not hindered my progress at all which was an initial concern.

Working with Ali has completely changed the way I think about myself, hopefully forever. Hypnotherapy has left a lasting feeling that we all have the ability to change for the better. It’s within our reach, we only have to do the hard work to get there. I really can’t thank Ali enough for opening up my mind to new possibilities. She has both challenged and supported me, whilst maintaining an incredibly caring and safe space, which is no easy feat when doing this work remotely.” Anon January 2024

“The sessions have been very helpful. I liked how Alison seemed flexible and had good listening skills. It helped me to feel validated and I think that this made the wordweaves more effective. I have been able to be much kinder to myself and more compassionate. This has helped me to feel more confident and self-assured in my day-to-day life. The wordweaves are fabulous and it’s like carrying the memory of the therapy forward with you. Thank you Alison! Anon December 2023

“My sessions with Alison have been inspirational. I had no idea just how much I needed some help and clarity to move on with my life. Her kind, professional, and gentle approach was instantly calming and I found I could tell her anything. She has a special wisdom and we got to the issues very quickly. Her insights have been remarkable and I finally feel I can fully let go of some horrible early experiences. I could not be more grateful.” Anon October 2023

“Alison has completely changed my life and I couldn't be more grateful. I started my sessions trying to be as open-minded as possible and I was not disappointed. I am more confident, my pain has lessened and I’m able to think about my birth trauma without getting upset. I can now concentrate on what is important in my life and enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and friends. Alison is very kind, patient, and easy to speak to. I always felt as though I was in a safe space and could speak freely. I surprised myself by looking forward to our sessions together and discovering who I am and who I would like to be. Thank you! “ Anon June 2023

“As a seasoned (heavy) smoker of nearly 30 years, I initially decided to give hypnotherapy a try; despite having shied away from it when advised by family and friends multiple times over the years. I saw Alison a total of 5 times through Feb/Mar 2023, and by the end of that time, I am now completely smoke-free, and cravings for cigarettes have almost vanished. Alison’s technique to establish the root cause of my smoking in the first place and correct that within the subconscious, coupled with re-establishing confidence and willpower, completely worked for me. I never thought I would get to a place to be writing something like this about having given up smoking. I would highly recommend Alison to anyone who is in the same ‘trapped’ position of not knowing how to get smoking out of their lives.” - Adam - April 2023

“I want to thank you so much for your invaluable support, counselling, and guidance during the last few months. I feel that I’m on the road towards freedom - and feel a lot more positive, energetic, and secure in myself than I did a few months back. The unwinding of certain events in my life and recognition and removal of these blocks has put things in a different perspective for me, and your great ‘active listening’ has enabled me to properly unload while also getting thoughtful feedback from you.” Anon - March 2023

“My son (12) has been suffering from anxiety and OCD for almost a year. Alison’s approach is gentle and intelligent. In just a few sessions, I can already see how much calmer my son is. Alison has taken the time to really understand him and his ‘condition’ and gain his trust. I can see the huge difference she has already made - and I can’t thank her enough.” - Anon - April 2023

“When embarking on an emotional journey it is never easy to choose a therapist. Alison is very professional, and insightful, and has an empathetic and gentle approach. She followed up my sessions with a personalised word weave and a sleep wordweave, both of which were very helpful. I found her sessions to be so beneficial and have no hesitation in recommending her as a reliable and extremely effective therapist.” - Anon 2022

“Alison is a wonderfully kind, caring, and devoted individual who is on a mission to see everyone reach their true potential and shine their brightest self in life.” - Anon 2022

“I contacted Alison to get help for some long-standing and deep-rooted problems I suffer from. I found her very professional and thorough in her work and her genuine desire to help came across in her approach and therapy. I’m grateful for all her help. It’s given me hope and direction to move forward. I found all her suggestions so useful and I especially loved the wordweave she made for me. Working with her has been a great and life-changing experience!” - Anon 2022