Quest Institute

My principal trainer - Trevor Silvester - founder of the Quest Institute

Trevor is the founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy and the Training Director of The Quest Institute where I trained. He is a Fellow of the National Council for Hypnotherapy and in 2003 received their Researcher of the Year Award for his ground-breaking book Wordweaving: The Science of Suggestion. In 2007, he received their highest honour, the Hartland Memorial Award, for his outstanding contribution to Hypnotherapy.

Trevor has gained a reputation as one of the leading experts in the theory and practice of hypnotic language, and his integration of modern scientific discoveries into the practical aspects of therapy has made him one of the key figures in the modern therapy field. His books have gained him a worldwide audience and students travel from all over the world to train with him.

I cannot praise Trevor or the Quest Institute more. My training was in-depth, and fascinating and has equipped me thoroughly to help a wide range of clients in need. The training changed me too and I will be forever in their debt. Check them out here:

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
— Viktor Frankl

Find out more about Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy