Fear of travel or flying? Hypnotherapy can help!

Hypnotherapy for phobias.

Hypnotherapy can help with phobias.

If you’re scared of traveling or flying, you are not alone. So many people suffer from phobias, such as Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and Trypanophobia (fear of injections). There are also many less well-known ones, including the recent addition - Nomophobia (fear of being without your mobile phone). Living with these fears is very restricting and can play havoc with our overall confidence levels.

Fears and phobias can be very restricting.

Fear of Flying?

This time of year, I see many clients with Aerophobia (fear of flying). But there can also be immense anxiety over travel in general. The fear of getting ill abroad and just being away from home can feel deeply uncomfortable. The stress of airports, packing and being somewhere new can feel overhwhelming. All these issues can be successfully treated with hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy can help!

Finding out why the phobia has developed is key. There is always a reason. The unconscious is only trying to keep us safe but sometimes gets it wrong. By re-framing past experiences, our minds can unlearn lessons and develop new ways of thinking. When in a relaxed or trance-like state, the mind is also more open to suggestion. I support my clients to overcome their fears, often leading to a renewed sense of freedom and overall confidence.

I also write and record ‘word weaves’ which focus the mind on more positive messages – working to ‘change your mind’.  These are devised with each individual in mind and are theirs to keep for life-long support. I also teach self-hypnosis techniques which empower my clients to induce a deeply relaxed state whenever they feel anxious.

Tips for fear of flying.

A few tips for those with a fear of flying:

  • First, let yourself off! You are in a metal container flying through the sky. Some degree of anxiety is ‘normal’.

  • Know the facts - air travel is one of the safest ways to travel.

  • Create distraction – music, podcasts, and puzzles will all help.

  • Relaxation techniques - breathwork calms the nervous system and a big, audible sigh out will alleviate anxiety immediately.

  • Choose the right seat: Sitting near the front and by a window reduces the effect of turbulence and provides a visual anchor.

  • Tell the flight attendants: They are used to offering support.

  • Stay hydrated and avoid caffeine: drinking plenty of water can help reduce physical symptoms of anxiety.

Alison Scott Hypnotherapy for phobias.

Testimonial from a happy client who has been away on three foreign trips since we started the therapy:

“I was honestly very sceptical about hypnotherapy. I have previously done CBT and talking therapy and the benefits felt limited. I started with the aim of improving my fear of being away from home which had stopped me from flying for over 7 years.”

After just 6 sessions I was able to go on a work ski trip without any of my direct support network which was a huge achievement for me, and even better than that I actually enjoyed it! I thought that this would be the only benefit of hypnotherapy, but I didn’t realise the impact it would have on my day-to-day life. Being able to look at my experiences and mindsets differently has lifted an enormous amount of guilt that I didn’t realise I was carrying.”

“I feel more confident, relaxed and proud of myself and I genuinely believe that being able to prioritise myself has made me a better mum to my 2 young boys too. I regularly tell people about my experience with hypnotherapy and strongly encourage anyone who thinks it may help them to give it a try as it has been a life changer for me that I didn’t realise I needed so much. I cannot thank Ali enough for her support and guidance through my journey.” Anon - July 2024

Call me on 07989 535527 for a free consultation.

Dreaming of Darkest Peru?

Hypnotherapy can be an effective solution for anyone with a fear of flying or anxiety about travelling.

Email -            ali@alisonscotthypnotherapy.co.uk

Instagram - aliscotthypnotherapy

Twitter –       Alison Scott @AlisonS39


LinkedIn -      www.linkedin.com/in/alison-scott-43100a13a

Rediscover the joy of travel with hypnotherapy.

Happy Holidays!


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