Time for a new start? Helping young people deal with change

Coping with change.

Do you have a young person about to start a new school, college or university? Transitioning to somewhere new can feel so daunting. New environments, the pressure of making friends and maybe suddenly needing to become more independent is a major challenge for many young people - however exciting that change might be in the long run.

Some anxiety is natural but if it becomes intense, it can easily interfere with a young person’s ability to thrive in a new setting.

What are the signs that anxiety has become overwhelming?

  • Very tearful or more moody than usual

  • Not interested in connecting with friends and family

  • Being overly clingy or distant

  • Significant changes in diet, exercise, or sleep patterns

  • Sudden loss of motivation for even simple pleasures

  • Inability to imagine a good outcome

Signs of anxiety.

What can be done to help anxiety?

Being mindful – this encourages us not to look too far forward but to enjoy the moment and take one day at a time.

Deep-breathing - breathing techniques calm the nervous system and will quickly alleviate the physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart, stomach aches, and headaches.

Positive mental messages – learning how to encourage and support ourselves through being aware of our inner dialogue is a skill for life. This will alleviate our difficult feelings and encourage greater compassion and kindness for ourselves in times of challenge.

Talking – encouraging young people to share their worries openly is important so that issues can be tackled one by one. Journaling can also help us process our emotions and fears so they become easier to manage.

Embracing change – learning to adapt is an essential life skill. Change is an inevitable part of life and we can all learn to embrace it not avoid it. Change brings with it personal growth, confidence, and new skills – but there are no shortcuts. Fear is also a necessary part of life and often brings excitement right along with it!

Extra Emotional Support – many colleges and universities have people on hand to help but it is not always accessible or the young person does not feel confident to access these services. When extra support is needed, the guidance of a professional therapist will help them stay on track and learn to manage their feelings and doubts.

Students often need extra support.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy can help young people through significant transitions. Through reframing any past issues that may be holding them back and building on all their natural skills and talents, my young clients learn to face change with excitement and confidence. I use a wide range of techniques, including visualisations, NLP and CBT, alongside teaching young people how to relax the mind and body. They also become more aware of what they want from life and are better able to understand their own values and talents.

I also record bespoke ‘word weaves’ – recordings that speak to the subconscious mind, reminding it of what it most needs to hear for that person and keeping things on track between sessions.

Alleviating anxiety.

Special Student Packages

I am offering a series of special packages for students who need additional support and I work remotely as well as face to face so the student feels there is always someone to talk to. This makes all the difference, especially when they feel they are too old for such talks with Mum or Dad, or they don’t want to worry their family and friends about their problems.

This approach has been particularly successful with university or college students away for the first time, often facing issues with alcohol and drugs, sexual relationships, friendships, loneliness, and all the fears of being away from the security of home. I am available to them by email and text while we work together between sessions so they do not need to feel alone with their anxiety. Sessions can be on an ad-hoc basis as and when required.

We can all embrace change.


“Working with Ali has completely changed the way I think about myself, hopefully forever. Hypnotherapy has left a lasting feeling that we all have the ability to change for the better. It’s within our reach, we only have to do the hard work to get there. I really can’t thank Ali enough for opening up my mind to new possibilities. She has both challenged and supported me, whilst maintaining an incredibly caring and safe space, which is no easy feat when doing this work remotely.” Anon Client 2024

“The sessions have been very helpful. I liked how Alison seemed flexible and had good listening skills. I have been able to be much kinder to myself and more compassionate. This has helped me to feel more confident and self-assured in my day-to-day life. The wordweaves are fabulous and it’s like carrying the memory of the therapy forward with you. Thank you Alison! Anon Client 2023

Alison Scott Hypnotherapy

Call me for a free 20-minute phone consultation on 07989 535527.

Email -  ali@alisonscotthypnotherapy.co.uk

Instagram - aliscotthypnotherapy

Twitter - Alison Scott @AlisonS39


LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/alison-scott-43100a13a


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