Living in growth? The summer solstice can help!

Embracing change.

Today is the summer solstice. It's a magical time of new beginnings. We can welcome in the fiery energy of the sun to propel us forward. This very physical changing of the seasons is a powerful time to manifest major transformations in how we are in the world and make changes.

It’s the perfect day to ask yourself - Are you living in growth?

Life is more fun in growth mode!

Hypnotherapy follows a core theme that we are usually inhabiting one of two states. Either we are in various states of protection, living in what we perceive as a challenging and potentially hazardous world in which we need to protect ourselves. Or, we see the world as a place in which we can learn, thrive, and grow. Hypnotherapy aims to guide you from one fearful state to one of growth and possibility.  

Living in a state of protection limits everything we do - our relationships, our work, our health – in fact, every goal, dream, and decision ends up being coloured by this limited viewpoint. If some-one is constantly primed for attack or disappointment, all their actions will be taken with this thought in mind.

Often, people do not even know this is their instinctive way of being. As we get older, we tend to become increasingly protective as life’s lessons may have taught us how to avoid difficult feelings and changes.

A sure sign is when some-one does not like themselves and they find it nearly impossible just to have ‘fun’ being themselves. Also, the external world becomes to blame for all the difficulty that inevitably arises along the way. They find it hard to take risks, make decisions and try new things. Life can very quickly become stagnant, dull, and lacking in excitement.

Take advantge of the sun! My son Louis.

While aiming for fun in life might seem a trite goal, if we are having fun being who we are and consciously aim to live more in growth mode, we enrich all those around us and make decisions and plans that will best serve us, whoever we are.

Achieving this state however can be a difficult road and the therapeutic approach taken through hypnotherapy can uncover where the main roadblocks are hidden, usually as a result of our younger experiences. By accessing these memories and gaining awareness of the often unhelpful learnings from our early years which are hidden deep in our unconscious mind, we can start to reframe, update, and change our approach to life.  The process can almost seem like magic.

I also strongly believe we do not need to be in a desperate state to benefit from therapy. Pretty much everyone can make incredible shifts to their quality of life through hypnotherapy. So, if you feel you might be more in protection than growth, maybe it’s high time to make some life-enhancing changes.  

Alison Scott Hypnotherapy

Wishing you all a happy and sunshiney summer solstice!

Call me on 07989 535527 for a free consultation.

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Recent Testimonial - 2024

Alison has completely changed my life and I couldn't be more grateful. I started my sessions trying to be as open-minded as possible and I was not disappointed. I am more confident, my pain has lessened and I am able to concentrate on what is important in my life and enjoy spending time with my beautiful family and friends.

Alison is very kind, patient and easy to speak to. I always felt as though I was in a safe space and could speak freely. I surprised myself by looking forward to our sessions together and discovering who I am and who I would like to be. Thank you!March 2024


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