
A great time for a new start!

Reap the fruits of Autumn.

Back to school and back to work - this time of year can feel daunting after the summer break. How can we make it count? How can we ensure we make it to Christmas feeling prouder of ourselves and more content with our choices?

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of Autumn:

  1. Goal Setting: Write down a fresh set of specific and achievable goals for the remaining year. Some can be about home life or work and others about who and what we spend our time on. Don’t forget to choose goals that bring you joy and vitality - not just financial reward.

  2. Make Plans: Having fun activities to look forward to is powerful and keeps us looking forward. Plan when to ‘get that job done’ you have been putting off. Chunk it down into manageable slices if it feels overwhelming. Or ask for help!

  3. Feel the Sun: Absorb as much sunshine as possible. The Vitamin D will keep you boosted for the darker months ahead.

  4. Get Organised: Maybe you are back to work or school. Organise your schedule carefully, clear out your wardrobe, and prepare mentally for the transition to winter. What small changes can you make to make it easier on yourself and those around you?

Find the sun.

5. Exercise: Autumn is a wonderful time to get active outdoors as it gets cooler. Getting your body moving releases important endorphins, improves brain function, and keeps muscles and immune systems strong.

6. Look after the Pennies: Take some time to review your spending. The cost of living is getting tougher so this year it’s even more important to allocate some time to consider what costs are important and what can be cut back.

Look after the pennies.

7. Learn: We can always be learning and growing. Dedicate some free time to read, listen to inspirational podcasts, take an online course, learn a new skill, or work on a personal project. What would you like to know more about by Christmas?

8. Connect with Others: Consider who is most important in your life. Who needs special effort from you? Who could you help? Or maybe who no longer needs to be in your life? We are social animals and human connection benefits us all. It’s not time to hunker down yet!

9. Practice Gratitude: Each day ensure you take a few minutes to notice what is going well in your life. The more we do this as a habit, the more our minds look for the positives all around us.

10. Embrace Change: As the seasons change, so do we. Change is viewed as challenging for many people but it is also inevitable, necessary and can be exciting. If you can open your mind to change, you will be less worried and more optimistic. Let’s embrace what we cannot avoid!

Alison Scott Hypnotherapy in Buckinghamshire

If you feel you could do with some additional support and the above ideas seem too hard, hypnotherapy can help you find a fresh perspective and kick-start your Autumn.

I am a Quest-trained hypnotherapist. This form of therapy encourages you to let go of fears and limiting beliefs. The techniques are designed to reveal the ‘you’ who is having the most fun being you and handling the inevitable difficult side of life in more positive ways.

Call me on 07989 535527 for a free 20-minute consultation.

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Embrace the change!


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