Hello Spring Equinox - 20 March

Phew! Monday 20th March marks the spring equinox – the time at which the sun crosses the equator, and the hours of daylight and dark are of equal length. So what does this mean for you?

It is not surprising that for many thousands of years, people have been celebrating this as a time of balance, growth and wholeness, as nature bursts with new energy all around us.

Until the eighteenth century, this was also considered to be the time of the new astrological year, when people would perform rituals to cleanse themselves and their homes – seems that spring cleaning is nothing new!

The Spring Equinox is physically, spiritually, and emotionally a wonderful time of energetic opportunity. As the extra light begins to positively affect our brains, we can get a lighter ‘spring’ in our step, and become more alert with increased feelings of happiness and optimism. This is all great news if you need to make some changes to your life as you’ll have the natural support of nature on your side.

The Wonder of Re-Birth

For those into astrology, the equinox also starts the zodiac wheel with Aries – the baby of the zodiac! The Aries ram rules with the head, leaning forwards with speed and focus, unafraid of risk. Courageous, energetic and full of childish wonder - we can all use a bit of that Aries energy this March to forge ahead with any changes that may be beneficial.

Spring into Action

This seems a far more opportune time to make changes and focus on new beginnings than New Year. January is the toughest of months – dark, long and often bleak – a month to hunker down and rest. Hibernation is not just for bears!

Now is the perfect time for fresh perspectives, as we figuratively spring clean, we can throw off wintry sluggishness, perhaps even detoxify our livers and our lives. We can suddenly hear birdsong from every room in the house. Changes you make from now on will most likely determine the success of your year.

Spring Blossom Fresh Start

Out with the old, in with the new

This spring equinox is one of the best periods of the year to focus on new projects, the perfect moment to get rid of anything that does not serve us, and to find the balance we need in life – whether that be with family, jobs, relationships or just sorting out the crap from under the bed. We can all be asking ourselves, how can we make this fresh start count?

New Moon New Start

We have the added boost of a New Moon on Tuesday 21 March. Known as a ‘worm moon’ because earthworms come out once the soil warms up.

 The Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are aligned on opposite sides of Earth, and the whole of the Moon's face is illuminated by the Sun. During a Full Moon, the Moon and the Sun's gravitational forces combine to pull the ocean’s water in the same direction. These tides are known as spring tides.

I grew up on beautiful Mersea Island in Essex, where the spring tides would prevent anyone from getting on or off the island for many hours as the causeway would be covered by the tide. It is all part of the mysterious magic of the place and ties the inhabitants to nature on a daily basis.

Love the Lunatic in You?

In the past, people were convinced that the Full Moon caused mental illness, hence the name lunatic. The Full Moon has even been held responsible for supernatural transformations, changing harmless people into werewolves.

Interestingly, researchers have found that the phase of the Moon does seem to have a measurable effect on people with bipolar disorder. Research also indicates that people get less deep sleep during a Full Moon, with more of a delay in entering into REM sleep.

So many aspects of the moon’s pull on our emotional and physical health remain a fascinating mystery. Billions of years ago, the Moon was positioned 10 times closer to the Earth, creating tides that were 1000 times higher than those we experience today. These huge tides stripped minerals from coastal areas and added them to the oceans, which was an essential step in allowing life to evolve quickly in the water. Powerful stuff!

We can only wonder at these life forces taking shape around us and use them as natural platforms from which to launch new ways of being for ourselves. Nature and the universe are telling us to get going, embrace life, and seek new opportunities.

Don’t Go Changin’?

Not many of us find change easy. New year’s resolutions get broken, new moons and the seasons pass us by and nothing seems to change. Changing requires a forceful decision and often more discipline than we can muster. What is important to remember is that even small changes to our daily habits or beliefs can bring about much bigger changes very quickly – it’s called the butterfly effect. Get up 10 minutes earlier and do some stretches once, nothing changes. Do that every day and it won’t take long for the benefits to be clear.

10-Minute Challenge

  • What could you do for 10 minutes each day that would change your life by the end of the year?

  • What could you do for someone else in 10 minutes to help other people?

  • What could you do for 10 mins less time that would benefit you or your loved ones?

  • What grateful thoughts could you ponder on for 10 minutes that would boost your spirits?

  • Which 10 minutes do you squander each day that could be put to better use?

Cognitive Hypnotherapy - all about CHANGE

If you feel you would benefit from a spring boost, Cognitive Hypnotherapy can be a brilliant way to find out which limiting beliefs to let go of and focus on what you really want out of life. It can help lift depression, reduce anxiety, boost confidence, and help with a whole heap of ailments, painful memories, and fears. Imagine it like being a spring clean for your subconscious.

Life-changing Support

I am a Quest-trained Cognitive Hypnotherapist. I love helping people to make long-term positive changes. Why not make this Spring Equinox really count?  Call me on 07989 535527 for a free 20-minute consultation or email ali@alisonscotthypnotherapy.co.uk

Discover more about how I can help you at: www.alisonscottcognitivehypnotherapy.co.uk


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